Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Case study World Bank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study World Bank - Essay Example The Forbes Capital Hospitality Index (FCHI) measures macroeconomic indicators like GDP growth and international trade, along with societal factors affecting investment, including poverty, bureaucracy, technological advancement, and corruption." (Ravindran) World Bank has been actively involved in setting the right scene for economic development within countries on an international platform. There is a general agreement that corruption within the country can be controlled by taking active measures to involve civil societies, but the degree of involvement is still a matter of consideration. "Social marketing can make an important contribution to the creation of atmosphere in the public life that discourages fraud and corruption" (Kindra & Stapenburs, 1998) Social marketing can be used in public health campaigns (e.g., to reduce smoking and alcoholism, safe sex, and increasing physical fitness), environmental campaigns (e.g., fighting pollution, promoting recycling, saving water and power), education campaigns (to encourage literacy), and the protection of individual/group rights (e.g., racial and gender equality, gay and lesbian rights). Societal marketing based on ethical and philanthropic principle can achieve this dynamic change within a society, community and a country by raising the awareness of the citizens about the costs of the corruption to the country, addressing the concern about institutions within a country, increasing understanding regarding the factors of corruption within public behavior. World bank has taken a morally good stand to change the international scene for more humane endeavors, its contribution id noteworthy and has been a source of admiration and inspiration for many other world forums in guiding their decisions related to international trend in growth and expansion. The premier business publication said: "As access to capital markets around the world becomes commonplace for individual investors and multinational institutions alike, the race is on for countries to attract the foreign investment capital needed to fuel the engines of growth at home. Addressing this need for a "one-stop reference", Forbes began with a list of principles employed by the US Chamber of Commerce when considering international investments. FORBES has listed Denmark, Finland, Iceland, the US, the UK, Singapore, Australia, Estonia, Ireland, and New Zealand as the top 10 countries in the world in terms of capital hospitality. (Ravindran) ACT-UTILITARIANISM: Mill is an advocate of Utilitarian principle, Mill was especially impressed by the work of Jeremy Bentham. He agreed with Bentham when he argued in Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (1789), that the proper objective of all conduct and legislation is "the greatest happiness of the greatest number". Mill became a Utilitarian and at the age of seventeen formed a discussion group called the utilitarian Society. Mill argues that the moral worth of actions is to be judged in terms of the consequences of those actions and our moral feelings often conflict with our inclinations of self-interest. He aimed to show humans the way the world is and how they could accommodate themselves to it and to one another. His aim was the improvement of humankind. His guide was the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Handling Multicultural Environment Essay Example for Free

Handling Multicultural Environment Essay Any single culture is multidimensional, and in this time of globalization, people belonging to various cultures are sharing common workplace where they are bound to interact with one another. This situation certainly calls for a thorough training on cultural competency for all members of any multicultural organization, and especially for the managers who have the job to unify all employees aims and aspirations with the goals of their company. Such a task is easier said than done; as there is plethora of instances where cultural difference has shattered the dreams of the company. However, there is no dearth of opposite instances too, where successful implementation of multicultural philosophy has brought in sustainable competitive advantage for the companies. In either way, this state of affairs substantiates the importance of seriously considering organization as culture and adopting right steps to achieve the status of a true-blue multicultural organization. With this point of view, this paper explores how the organizations can impart quality training to their managers, besides evaluating the efficacy of the established theories/ideas on this issue, before reaching its own conclusion. Multicultural Environment Any workplace comprising of employees from more than one culture can be called a multicultural organization. Here the word culture contains several interpretation, though in general, it speak about a package of perception, belief and acquired behavioral process, containing elements like learned and shared values, beliefs and behaviors to a particular group of people (Yamashita, 2004). On the other hand, multiculturalism is a Doctrine asserting value of different cultures coexisting within single society; globally, vision of cultural diversity deliberately fostered and protected (Globalization, 2000). In plain words, it is a concept of aligning various cultures to serve a common purpose. Common Problems in Multicultural Environment Problems occur when cultural difference and consequently, difference in perception about a particular issue/act/custom/or policy stands between the individuals or groups. Such situations can occur anytime at any multicultural set up, which can begin with little differences like meaning of a word, eating habits, or religious practice, whatever, and that can fuel a bigger set of difference, if not timely diffused. For example, the word, monkey contains hint of racism in some parts of the world, while it is only a simple definition of primate in the other. Now if someone from that special part of the world is called a monkey, s/he might react furiously, no matter how innocent the caller is. Understandably, such channel noises , are the outcome of ones ignorance about others culture. Specific Problems in Multicultural Environment This takes place when cultural difference puts spanner in the process of work. This too, can emerge out of various situations like managers or employees biases about their culture, or from ignorance about what means what. It is not uncommon for a manager to find difficulty in catering a multicultural audience at one go, if some of the members do not understand managers spoken language, or their idioms sound idiotic to their ears. This again points towards the importance of grooming to the tune of multicultural philosophy. Theories for Help No matter how much humans developed their science and technology, they are yet to discover a device that would be able to interpret ones thought for another. It is for this reason, the age-old art and science of effective communication still works wonders for every sphere of life and it is in fact the oxygen of any multicultural organization. Thus it would be pertinent to mention about two such theories out of many, to explain how theories can save the day for the managers of multicultural organizations. What these theories do is, they form the foundation of understanding among humans, which is the prime condition to rise above any cultural biases and to accept the fact that humans are all equal at their basements. ERG Theory This is an improvised version of Abraham Maslows (1908-1970) famous model of Hierarchy of Needs (Maslows, 2008), created by Clayton Alderfer after prolonged research, which adds more flexibility in determining the needs of an individual, which it does by reorienting the elements from Maslows model into three segments like Existence (E) – It involves physiological and safety needs. Relatedness (R) – It contains social and external esteem needs. Growth (G) Self-actualization and internal esteem needs. (ERG, 2007). Claytons model allows to set the order of needs according to the existing need structure of an employee, besides providing the scope to pursue different needs simultaneously. Accordingly, company can motivate any individual on any of the E, R or G needs – while looking after an individuals E need (say, where an employee needs a safety measure), the company can look after the same individuals R needs (like awarding her for her achievement) and G needs (inducting the individual in the think tank of the department). Expectancy Value Theory Founded by Martin Fishbein in the 1970-s, suggesting that people mould themselves to the world in accordance with their expectations/beliefs and evaluations (Expectancy, 2004). This serves as a pointer to the fact that behavior or behavioral intentions or attitudes evolve out of expectancy and evaluation, where the expectancy is an idea about a situation or object and evaluation is ones estimation about the impact of that idea/situation/object on any plane. Theories Groom Vision  If the entire team of a workplace can adopt a vision in the light of the Expectancy Value Theory, where they would expect that they are devoted to the collective goal. Once armed with this vision, the following areas of communication would definitely take a new turn as the outcome of reorientation of ones approach to the world: Intrapersonal communication: The vision would make the employee think like Im attached to an important organ of the society and thus I have more responsibility to meet its expectations. Communication with clients: The vision will make the employees more patient and taking interest in communicating with clients belonging to another culture. Team Communication: There would be less conflict of ego or other minor areas of personal interests, as the greater cause will influence all members to align their approach towards the perceived goal (achieving high standards of service).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Waiting for Godot and The House of Bernarda Alba Essay -- Waiting For

In the plays Waiting for Godot and The House of Bernarda Alba, life and death are significant concepts. Life is meaningless in Godot as they merely wait until death, whilst Bernarda Alba depicts futility of life without passion, love or freedom. The House of Bernarda Alba, through Adela’s rebellious spirit signifies living a life that is passionate, while in Waiting for Godot Beckett seems to imply that life is meaningless. Whilst Waiting for Godot focuses more on the metaphorical aspect of death, The House of Bernarda Alba takes on the literal death through Adela’s suicide. As playwrights, Lorca and Beckett convey their views on life and death through their works. Beckett portrays a cyclical, boring existence in Waiting for Godot, whilst dramatic action is explicitly evident in Lorca’s The House of Bernarda Alba. Just as their views on life are contrasting, the two playwrights have different views on death as well. This is caused by the major cultural differenc es between the two playwrights. Lorca’s work is set in the Spanish Culture and the Civil War’s social repression, while the views expressed in Beckett's absurdist play is significantly affected by WWII existentialism. Both Beckett and Lorca agree that death is an inevitable occurrence, however they have different views on its significance. Through the characterization of their main characters, the playwrights illuminate their contrasting views on life and death. Through depicting their main characters significant life events, Lorca and Beckett convey their contrasting view on life. Waiting for Godot indicates no purpose for our actions and existence. Reiterating the purposelessness of life, the lives of the character are a repetitive cycle of meaningless conversation an... ...kett conveys his belief that life is merely a waiting period for one's death, in The House of Bernarda Alba, Lorca through Adele's fiery spirit, shows a passionate life. Thus, through the lives of Vladimir, Estragon and Adela the two playwrights' respective views on life were portrayed. The playwrights’ view of death however, is similar, as both view death as a source of change and insignificant event in society. Life and death is a significant theme explored in both Waiting for Godot and The House of Bernarda Alba, and through these plays, the audience inevitably gains new perceptions for life and death. Works Cited Beckett, Samuel. Waiting For Godot. 3rd ed. N.p.: CPI Group, 2006. Print. Vol. 1 of Samuel Beckett: The Complete Dramatic Works. 4 vols Lorca, Federico Garcia. La Casa de Bernarda Alba, Manchester University Press, 1984. Print

Thursday, October 24, 2019

John Milton’s’ poem “When I consider how my light is spent” Essay

John Milton’s’ poem â€Å"When I consider how my light is spent† is a great piece of art that he creates during his blindness. The sarcasm and the word choice in this poem also have a great impact on how he masts feel. Milton also presents us with a key point on how God plays an important part in his point of view and his life. One of the best thing of this poem is the tone and the feelings that where put into it. Looking at John Milton life through one of his best piece of art â€Å"When I consider how my light is spent.† Milton starts the poem with a feel of sadness and a sense of being useless, and this is so because of his blindness which he became in 1651. â€Å"Ere half my days in this dark world and wide, And that one talent which is death to hide Lodged with me useless†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Milton 1050) This gives a sense of sadness coming from him and he also introduces a caption on behalf of sarcasm to say that he feels sometimes that he doesn’t want to live anymore. â€Å"He refers to death with sarcasm as a talent† (Darr) â€Å"And that one talent which is death to hide† (1050). At this point john Milton is not so happy with his life but there is something that keeps him going on with a day to day life. So many time mast have John Milton wanted to stop the way he lived in a dark world but he knew he would have to take an account on how he lived his life to his maker, God. â€Å"He will serve his Maker no matter how he is suffering as he will have to present to Him a â€Å"true account† of his life. He will do this in case he is chided when he returns to God and is asked if he carried on with his day to day life even without his eye sight† (Darr). He must have feel really depress at first but he knew that if he got use to it and live like everything was going to be better he was going to be just find. And also that in doing this he had nothing to fear after his death because he would have live his life to the fullness that he could. Plus he knew that if he continues with his day to day life God would never part apart from him. Milton is confused to what he should do and soon ask why this has happen to him and what should he do with his live. â€Å"â€Å"Doth God exact day-labor, light denied†Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"I fondly ask. But patience, to prevent That murmur, soon replies, God doth not need Either man’s work or His own gifts. Who best Bear His mild yoke, they serve Him best.† (1050) As we can see he answers his own question saying that he doesn’t need to work for God or give him gifts but just believe in him and continue with his day to day and be patience. He also states that he should not worry about satisfying God because he is served by thousands and if he waits kindly they will also serve him. â€Å"thousands at His bidding† and â€Å"They also serve who only stand and wait† (1050). John Milton blindness might have stopped him from during many things but he surely didn’t stop doing what he loved. He continue writing and doing his day to day living for he might one day have to present his Maker an account of his live and his faith. â€Å"Milton’s faith in God seems to give him the courage to face his life despite his blindness. It is this faith that seems to give him courage and patience to cope and also gives him the hope that salvation lies for those who wait in patience (Darr). John Milton continue with his live even though he was blind but this didn’t stop him because he was doing what he loved and also because of his faith in God. Milton, John. â€Å"When I consider how my light is spent.† 1931. The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, writing, 9 ed. Michael Meyers, Boston: Bedford St. Martin’s, 2012. 1050. Print Darr, Shaheen. â€Å"Poetry Analysis; When I Consider How My Life is Spent by John Milton.† Yahoo! Voices. Yahoo! Inc. Jan 22, 2010. Feb 06, 2013. Web

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Study Guide Note about the purpose of this Study Guide: This study guide is to help you be aware of the information you'll need to know to earn an A* on the Unit Exam for my class. I have also noted the related objectives that may be tested on during the Cambridge Exam at the end of the year. Cambridge Themes and Key Questions Addressed: Theme 1 : Government and the People 1754-2000 Key Question 1: How did Americans develop the U. S. Political system during the period from 1754 to 1865? Why did relations between the British and the colonists deteriorate before 1776?How was the Constitution created? The writings of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Tom Paine The Revolutionary War: political and military leadership, military events, and their consequences 1775-83 Theme 2: Who Are Americans? Key Question 1: How far did the economic, social, and political status of Native Americans change from 1754 to 2000? Theme 4: America and the World 1754-2010 Key Question 1: How were the borders of the nation defined by 1853? How important was the role of France in shaping the borders of U. S. A.? To what extent were war and diplomacy with Brittany important in defining U.S. Borders? VOCABULARY: Duties/Tariffs Import Export Revenue Martyr Tyrant/Tyranny Autocratic Militia Direct Tax Indirect Tax Loyalists Patriots Aristocracy Monarchy (and hereditary monarchy) Effigy Boycott Tar & Feathering Mercantilism: forerunner to imperialism; colonies help a mother country become self-sufficient and wealthy; idea that no great nation can exist without colonies; economic nationalism; limit imports from other countries but encourage exports to other countries.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hong Kongs Strengths and Weaknesses as a Conference Destination Essay

Hong Kong's Strengths and Weaknesses as a Conference Destination Essay Hong Kong's strengths and weaknesses as a conference destination Hong Kong, advanced in its geographic location and well-developed society and business environment, is regarded as a desirable destination for meetings, conferences and exhibitions. According to the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Industry Association, over 110 international exhibitions and conventions took place in Hong Kong in 2006, attracting 62,000 delegates and 5,200,000 buyers worldwide. International congresses and exhibitions, like the 6th WTO Ministerial Conference in 2005, 3G World Congress and Exhibition 2005 and The International Telecommunication Union Telecom World 2006, had enhanced and symbolized Hong Kong as a major international conference and exhibition center in the region. However, though Hong Kong is experienced in holding conferences and exhibitions, besides existing strong competitors like Singapore and Seoul, Macau is also an emerging competitor in Asia-Pacific market, and favored by international organizers. Therefore, Hong Kong needs a more in-depth und erstanding of its strengths and weaknesses, thus develops to be the leader in region. A successful conference hinges on several key elements like infrastructures, human factors, political and economic environment, and geographic. Experienced in the industry for over 30 years, Hong Kong has its strengths and weaknesses regarding these elements. In order to find out the way to success, these elements will be discussed. Hence, suggestions could be made for Hong Kong's strategic sustainable development in the industry. Successful factors As one of the most favored conference destination in Asia Pacific, Hong Kong depends on its unique geographic, complete infrastructure, experience and government support, which support Hong Kong to be an international conference and exhibition destination. Unique Geographic Environment As the Secretary of Commerce and Economic Development, Mr. Frederic MA Si-hang, said, Hong Kong has geographical advantages in the conference industry (Sing Tao Daily, 2007). Hong Kong locates in the central of the Asia-Pacific, where is on the midway from East to West. Most of the Asian and Oceania countries - like China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Australia and India - are just within 7 hours away by air. It is convenient for both logistics and travelers. Besides, speaking of weather, bad weather would lead to cancellation or delay of a conference. It is important that destination's weather to be stable. Locating in the subtropics of the South Hemisphere, Hong Kong is usually warm, where the average temperature is between 22.5 to 24.5 degree Celsius, and the four seasons are distinct (HKO, 2007). Moreover, natural disasters, such as hurricane, earthquake or tsunami, are almost isolated from Hong Kong. Therefore, Hong Kong is a safe, timely, convenient and comfortable place for visit ors all over the world. World Class Meetings Facilities Hong Kong has two main conference and exhibition centers, which are the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center (HKCEC), and Asia World-Expo (AWE), providing totally over 130,000 square meters rentable function space. In addition, AWE is planning to expand the venue, providing over 60,000 square meters more space. These centers can handle large scale conference and like WTO Ministerial Conference. In addition, HKCEC has been awarded as Best Convention and Exhibition Center in Asia Pacific in the 2007 and 2005 industry survey. HKCEC and AWE are capable to hold large scale functions, providing high tech equipments and facilities when the organizers need that. Live video conference, instant translation, and or any ad hoc tasks are possible in these top class venues. On the other hand, there are plenty of choices, such as hotels, for middle and small scale conference. Except the use as accommodations, several hotels have been designed or even redesigned to be capable for holding confe rences. For example, Mandarin Oriental provides business conference services with professional services. Complete equipments like visual and audio systems, computers, broadband and telecommunications are provided for conference users. These hotels might be efficient and convenient for organizers and attendees (Mandarin Oriental 2007). All in all, Hong Kong is equipped for meetings in all sizes. Convenient Transportations For external transportation, air plays an essential role. The Hong Kong international airport is one of the busiest airports on earth. This 24-hours airport provides services with over 85 airlines, over 5,000 flights per week to over 150 destinations (HKIA, 2007). Organizers and participants from Europe, Asia or Americas can travel to Hong Kong with a single flight at least. Materials can

Monday, October 21, 2019

Charlemagne Quotes and Words of Wisdom

Charlemagne Quotes and Words of Wisdom In the action-adventure film Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy and his father, professor of Medieval History Dr. Henry Jones, are running for their lives from a Nazi fighter plane strafing them with bullets. Finding themselves on a rocky beach, the senior Jones (played with aplomb by Sean Connery) pulls out his trusty umbrella and, squawking like a chicken, uses the large black apparatus to frighten a flock of seagulls, who take startled flight into the path of the plane. There they meet a gruesome fate, crashing into the windshield, getting caught in the propellers, and sending the plane careening into the hillside. As Indy (the inestimable Harrison Ford) looks on in stunned silence, his father twirls the umbrella on his shoulder and strides jauntily back up the beach. I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne, he explains. Let my armies be the rocks, and the trees, and the birds in the sky. Its a terrific moment and a wonderful line. Unfortunately, Charlemagne never said it. Ive checked. From Einhards biography to Bullfinchs Legends of Charlemagne, there is no record of this quote before it appeared in Last Crusade in 1989. It must be the creation of one of the screenwriters most likely Jeffrey Boam, who wrote the screenplay, or possibly George Lucas or Menno Meyjes, who devised the story. Whoever came up with it should be commended for its poetry it is, after all, a terrific line. But they should not be referenced as a historical source. But then, the quotes that have been attributed to Charlemagne, which go much further back than 1989, may have been creations of other writers. One source, in particular, the Monk of Saint Gall known as Notker the Stammerer, wrote a colorful biography in the 880s 70 years after Charlemagnes death that, while informative, should be taken with a grain of salt. Here are a few quotes attributed to Charlemagne. Ah, woe is me! that I was not thought worthy to see my Christian hands dabbling in the blood of those dog-headed fiends. Of the Northmen (Vikings) who had retreated before Charlemagne could engage them in battle; as related by Notker the Stammerer in De Carolo Magno, 9th century.Right action is better than knowledge; but in order to do what is right, we must know what is right. De Litteris Colendis, in Jean-Barthà ©lemy Haurà ©au, De la philosophie scolastique, 1850.To have another language is to possess a second soul. attributed; source unknownWould that I had twelve clerks so learned in all wisdom and so perfectly trained as were Jerome and Augustine.This was in conversation with Alcuin, who replied, The Maker of heaven and earth has not many like to those men and do you expect to have twelve? Related by Notker the Stammerer in De Carolo Magno.You nobles, you sons of my chiefs, you superfine dandies, you have trusted to your birth and your possessions and have set at naught my or ders to your own advancement; you have neglected the pursuit of learning and you have given yourselves over to luxury and sport, to idleness and profitless pastimes. By the King of Heaven, I take no account of your noble birth and your fine looks, though others may admire you for them. Know this for certain, that unless you make up for your former sloth by vigourous study, you will never get any favour from Charles. To noble-born students whose work was poor while lesser-born children had worked hard to write well; as related by Notker the Stammerer in De Carolo Magno.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Using the Spanish Verb Traer

Using the Spanish Verb Traer Although the very common Spanish verb traer is the one most often used to translate the English verb to bring, it is also used in a wide variety of other situations. Keep in Mind Traer most commonly conveys the idea of bringing, either literally or figuratively.Traer can refer to causing a result. It can also mean the wearing of clothing.Traer is irregularly conjugated. Traer Meaning 'To Bring' Here are some examples of traer meaning bring: El cartero me trajo el iPad. (The letter carrier brought me the iPad.)Hoy te traemos la à ºltimas noticias de la guerra. (Today we are bringing you the latest news about the war.)Cada semana Pablo me trae flores. (Pablo brings me flowers every week).Trigame un cafà © sin leche. (Bring me a coffee without milk.) Often, traer carries a meaning similar to bring but is best translated in another way: Por ese motivo te traigo algunos consejos. (That is why Im giving you some advice.)Esta cmara no trae flash. (This camera doesnt have flash.)El libro trae los mapas ms actualizados de Argentina. (The book has the most current maps of Argentina.)Esto me trae felicidad en el ms profundo sentido. (This makes me happy in the deepest sense.)La meditacià ³n diaria te traer paz y claridad. (Daily meditation will give you peace and clarity.)Una tarde lluviosa nos traerà ­a recuerdos de infancia. (A afternoon rain had us reminiuscing about our childhood.) Traer With Other Meanings As sometimes does the word bring, traer can also mean to cause, especially when referring to difficulties: Beber en exceso me trae muchos problemas. (Drinking too much causes me many problems.)El asma trae dificultad para respirar. (Asthma causes difficulty in breathing.)Todo esa situacià ³n me he traà ­do una enfermedad gastrointestinal. (This whole situation has given me a gastrointestinal illness.) When used with articles of clothing and similar personal effects, traer can mean to wear:  ¿Por quà © Mickey Mouse no trae camisa? (Why doesnt Mickey Mouse wear a shirt?)A veces traigo lentes tipo motociclista. (Sometimes I wear motorcycle goggles.)No me gusta traer los zapatos sin calcetines. (I dont like wearing shoes without socks.) Using the Reflexive Traerse Finally, in the reflexive form, traerse sometimes indicates what is happening with the subject of the verb:  ¿Quà © se trae tu familia? (Whats going on with your family? Whats your family up to?)Me parece que Netflix no funciona.  ¿Quà © se traer? (It appears to me that Netflix isnt working. What could be going on?) Phrases Using Traer Traer is used in numerous phrases and idioms. Here are some of the most common: traà ©rsela floja (to be indifferent) - Me la trae floja a todos aquellos que me bloqueen. (I couldnt care less about all of those who block me.)traer a colacià ³n (to bring up a subject) - Este caso trajo a colacià ³n la importancia de verificar los aviones antes de ser abordados. (The case brought up the importance of testing the planes before they are boarded.)traer a la luz (to reveal or bring to light) - El caso trajo a la luz un problema que tiene profundas raà ­ces en la polà ­tica mexicana. (The case brought to light a problem that has deep roots in Mexican politics.)trael al caso (to bear or keep in mind) - Traigamos al caso las palabras de nuestros padres. (Lets keep in mind the words of our parents.)traer de cabeza (to figuratively cause a headache) - Esta tableta es atractiva, pero va a traer de cabeza a la hora de repararlo. (This tablet is attractive, but it will cause a headache when it needs to be repaired.)traer loco (to drive crazy) -  ¡Esta computadora me trae loco! (This computer is driving me crazy!) traer prisa (to be in a hurry) - Por favor, trata de llegar lo ms rpido que puedas. Traigo prisa. (Please, try to arrive as soon as you can. Im in a hurry.)   Conjugation of Traer Like nearly all of the most-used verbs, traer is irregularly conjugated. In many cases, a g or j is used in the ending. Some of the most common irregular forms are: I bring is traigo.The present participle or gerund is trayendo.The past participle is traà ­do.The present subjunctive follows the pattern traigas, traiga, traiga, etc.The preterite follows the pattern traje, trajiste, trajo, etc.Imperative forms include traiga usted and traigan ustedes.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Impact of the Social Media on the Relationship between Saudi Annotated Bibliography

The Impact of the Social Media on the Relationship between Saudi Arabia and Egypt after the 2011s Egyptian revolution - Annotated Bibliography Example The article allude that relationship between Egypt and Saudi Arabia has not been a good one since the time of Ottonman Empire. Further, the article perceives that the relationship between Egypt and Saudi Arabia has been rough since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. Social media such as facebook and twitter has exacerbated the poor relationship between the two countries. Samin Nadav is the author of this article that appears in Arab Media and Society Journal looks at the contribution of social media to Arab uprising in the year 2011. The article points out that Egypt has large portion of her population in the social media among the countries in the Middle East. According to the article, social media plays important role in bring change that reshapes Middle Eastern societies. The article asserts that social media such as twitter and facebook have been instrumental in developing close ties between Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This is after the overthrow of the authoritarian rule of Hosni Mubarak whereby social media was crucial in instigating revolts and rallies. The article depicts that social media has been vital in directing discussions and democratic ideas between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Egypt uses twitter to disseminate its latest development after the2011 uprising. Social media allows the other countries in the Middle East especially Saudi Arabia to get an inflow of information. The article reveals that Saudi Arabia has invested a lot in social media for networking. This article points out that Egyptians have used social media to mount protests at the Saudi Arabia Embassy. According to this article, Saudi Arabia and Egypt have been in a state of tension since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak. This article points out that the two countries have their negative perception on each other. This is despite the fact that they share religion, intermarriage, mutual political interests,

Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument Essay

Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that building of the Colosseum started under Emperor’s Vespasian rule around the 70-72 AD. This construction was funded by the spoils that were retrieved from the Jewish Temple after Jerusalem was taken over. The location chosen in constructing the Colosseum was a flat region on the floor of a valley amid the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian Hills., all the way through which a canalized watercourse ran. By the second century, this area was densely populated. The Great Fire of Rome devastated the area in AD 64. After the occurrence of this event, Nero grabbed a bigger part of the area adding a lot to his personal domain. Nero built the grandiose Domus Aurea on the location, creating a man-made lake that had pavilions, porticoes, and gardens surrounding it. The Aqua Claudia that existed was extended in supplying water to the locality and the gigantic bronze, Nero’s Colossus was mounted nearby at the Domus Aurea entrance. Even th ough the Colossus was conserved, to a great extent of the Domus Aurea was taken down. The land was used again as an area for the latest Flavian Amphitheatre and the lake was filled. Gladiatorial schools and various support buildings were developed nearby within the Domus Aurea former grounds. As stated in reconstructed writing found at the location, â€Å"emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheater to be erected from his general’s share of the booty.† This is believed to refer to the immense treasure the Romans seized after they won the Great Jewish revolt in the 70 AD.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Literature review - Essay Example Man has its own structure according to his responsibilities, woman posse’s different structure as per her responsibilities. Men and women both created in couples but both posses different attributes and different lifestyles. Woman posses some traits completely different from man and man owns some characteristics entirely different from woman. Still, there is a competition lies between man and woman. No matter in which part of the world, they live but it’s so easy to find a tight competition between man and woman. Gender plays an important role in both human beings. Gender helps creating special traits in every man or woman. It is generally considered that men are strong and women are weak, there are thousands of differences on the basis of which it is usually said. Regardless of strength, there are many other factors that make woman different from man. Man are usually strong in feelings, they do not take care lots of small things in their life, while on the other hand, woman are always possessive about their relationship, their belongings etc. The word docility states the trait of being agreeably manageable and submissive. Docility can also be defined as the willingness and readiness to fulfill other wishes without considering own’s wish. ... The term docility also points Judith butler’s (1990) theory of gender performance. She points that individuals must constantly perform defined gender actions, in order to get away the social discipline that is experienced against queer sexuality. In the repetition of gender actions, actions are usually ignored and the avatar is usually considered as an internal identity. In this way, gender seems a docile body. For instance, Miroslaw Filiciak (2003) argues that the developing of identities in cyberspace is not so much in plenty from a self as it is a longed for chance of showing one’s self beyond physical limits. These expressions might not move beyond the gender actions and sexual norms that make the â€Å"self†. In the eyes of many sociologist, docility in the main concept of performance. Docility usually helps in identifying personal traits as per their gender specification; it also helps in understanding why individuals authorize with the agency to develop th eir own sexual world rather to perpetuate the identified norms of gender and sexuality. Conformity is the action of relating attributes, concepts, and actions to what human gender considers is usual of their community or social group. This determination appears in small units and society as a whole, and normally output from elusive unconscious shapes, or direct and overt social force. Conformity can appear in the presence of others, or when an individual has no one around him. For instance, people incline to obey social values when eating or watching their favorite plays, even when they have no one around them. A number of people normally conform from a wish of being safe within a unit generally in a group of a similar religion, unit,

Social Capital Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Capital - Research Paper Example A review of the additional literature, in addition to the source article, will provide collaborative details to provide support for the conclusion established. The case study by Chenhall, Hall, & Smith examined how elements of a management control system can either enhance or inhibit the bonding and bridging dimensions of social capital with potential consequences on both economic and cultural capital (2010, p.2). The study attempts to highlight and provide data to support the notion that management control systems can be contradictory as they relate to social capital. The concept of social capital is used to outline a distinctive approach to understanding the relationship between management control systems and the development of social connections in and between organizations (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). The study additionally illustrates how formal belief systems and operational controls sustain strong interior relationships and also help to establish the case organization†™s standing with peripheral organizations vital to external bridging (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). However, there are also several limitations to the relevancies demonstrated by the study. The study was based on a limited number of interviews rather than in-depth observational data (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010). Additionally, the study indicates that efforts to use â€Å"financial controls interactively† to deal with issues of cost awareness were not successful due to the fact that they were interpreted as â€Å"incompatible† with natural advancements and threatened to bond (Chenhall, Hall, & Smith, 2010, p.2). Literature Review Social capital can be measured in a variety of ways, although obtaining a "true", definitive measurement is not possible (What is, 2011). The most popular definitions of social capital are multidimensional and incorporate numerous aspects of analysis into a comprehensive framework (What is, 2011). Attempts to measure the properties of â €Å"inherently ambiguous concepts† such as "community", "network" and "organization" has caused problems in establishing the concept of social capital (What is, 2011). Although a few long-standing surveys have been designed to gauge "social capital", they have left researchers to assemble indexes from a range of items, like â€Å"measures of trust in government, voting trends, memberships in civic organizations, and hours spent volunteering† (What is, 2011). Researchers are attempting to compile new surveys that will give the concept of social capital a more definitive meaning. There are several examples of social capital, like civic organizations, community organizations, and scholastic communities that can significantly contribute to the overall organizational platform.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Risk management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Risk management - Assignment Example This is because organizations that perform risk assessment effectively operate more efficiently and have a better understanding of their industries. Risk assessment is used in determining the type and level of risks involved in business operations and processes. It is also used to determine the degree of risk that can be incurred without negative ramifications (Tarsus, 2014). Businesses use internal or external risk management professionals to determine the risks involved in different organizational plans and how they can be managed. Before carrying out risk assessment, specific processes must be initiated to facilitate the whole exercise from start to finish. These include pre-planning, which involves setting the scope and breadth of the exercise, selecting individuals to carry out the exercise and budgeting (Moss, 2014). There is no set time for carrying out risk assessment. It can always be scheduled depending on an organization’s needs and activities. Some organizations like to plan them to coincide with other assessments while others prefer to conduct them exclusively (Aven, Baraldi, Zio, & Flage, 2014). Risk assessment is also done when projects are being commissioned, and the organization needs to understand what it is up against in terms of possible losses and difficulties. Aven, T., Baraldi, P., Zio, E., & Flage, R. (2014). Uncertainty in risk assessment: The representation and treatment of uncertainties by probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods (Illustrated ed.). New York: John Wiley &

Patient guide to WWW Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Patient guide to WWW - Assignment Example But in general, if you cant find the information duplicated in more than 2 or 3 references, then it is questionable at best. As a caregiver, your job is to find the most accurate and useful websites pertaining to the condition of your patient. In order to use the internet search engines effectively, you need to know how to assess the websites you are reading. We hope that the guidelines above can help you remain healthy and strong over the coming years. My sister was diagnosed with uncontrolled Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The Gastroenterologist prescribed proton pump inhibitors (Nexium) in order to control pain and dissipate stomach acid .The doctor also advised a lifestyle and diet change for the patient.We asked the doctor for more information about her illness and the lifestyle and diet changes that it will entail. The doctor advised that we check out the Mayo Clinic website located at : for more information about the drugs, treatments, and lifestyle changes that will be necessary in order to control the illness. The reason that he recommended Mayo Clinic as a web source is because the hospital is one of the most highly respected and trusted research hospitals in the country. Their website looks highly professional and the content is overseen by highly qualified Mayo Clinic staffers. The website itself contains further information about GERD including lifestyle and home remedies plus an alternative medicine guide for patients who prefer a holistic type of treatment. Even though the website contains some advertising in it, there is an advertising disclaimer / policy located within the page that explains why Mayo Clinic has decided to accept advertising for its website. None of the ads are related to GERD and therefore does not seem like the Mayo Clinic is recommending and specific treatments for the illness. More importantly, the information contained

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Risk management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Risk management - Assignment Example This is because organizations that perform risk assessment effectively operate more efficiently and have a better understanding of their industries. Risk assessment is used in determining the type and level of risks involved in business operations and processes. It is also used to determine the degree of risk that can be incurred without negative ramifications (Tarsus, 2014). Businesses use internal or external risk management professionals to determine the risks involved in different organizational plans and how they can be managed. Before carrying out risk assessment, specific processes must be initiated to facilitate the whole exercise from start to finish. These include pre-planning, which involves setting the scope and breadth of the exercise, selecting individuals to carry out the exercise and budgeting (Moss, 2014). There is no set time for carrying out risk assessment. It can always be scheduled depending on an organization’s needs and activities. Some organizations like to plan them to coincide with other assessments while others prefer to conduct them exclusively (Aven, Baraldi, Zio, & Flage, 2014). Risk assessment is also done when projects are being commissioned, and the organization needs to understand what it is up against in terms of possible losses and difficulties. Aven, T., Baraldi, P., Zio, E., & Flage, R. (2014). Uncertainty in risk assessment: The representation and treatment of uncertainties by probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods (Illustrated ed.). New York: John Wiley &

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Revise Persuasive Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Revise Persuasive Speech - Essay Example In this regard, I seek to demystify an understanding of the BOTOX procedure; the serious side effects posed by the procedure, and create awareness reiterating that BOTOX injections are harmful to one’s health. III. Today I would like to enlighten you in understanding the BOTOX procedure; the serious side effects posed by the procedure, and create awareness reiterating that BOTOX injections are harmful to one’s health. 1. The term BOTOX refers to a purified type of botulinum that is a neurotoxin. Evidently, the neurotoxin when injected results to a medical situation called botulism. In this regard, it is normally injected in small amounts so as to relax the facial muscles and minimize wrinkles. 3. In this regard, scientific information indicates that a single gram of BOTOX could result to the death of as much as one million people. On the other hand, a couple of kilos could result to the total wipeout of all humanity as we know it. B. According to the medication guide of the Food and Drug Administration, it states that BOTOX may cause serious side effects that can be life threatening. These include difficulty in breathing or swallowing and spread of toxin effects. Moreover, the effect of botulinum toxin may affect areas of the body away from the injection site and cause symptoms of a serious condition called botulism. These evidently include loss of strength and muscle weakness all over the body, double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, hoarseness or loss of voice, loss of bladder control among others. 2. Moreover, according to the New York Post in December 16th 2013, Gwyneth Paltrow was quoted in an interview that, â€Å" I won’t do BOTOX again, because I looked crazy. I looked like Joan Rivers!† Also in another confession, the queen of BOTOX, Nicole Kidman admitted that, â€Å"I did try BOTOX, unfortunately, but I got out of it and now I can finally move my face again.† Such shocking confessions and lamentation just further

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Cultural Review of Germany in the 1940’s According to Essay Example for Free

A Cultural Review of Germany in the 1940’s According to Essay It has been said, to understand the present a person must know and understand the past. Focusing on that quote specifically to understanding the past is what The Diary of Anne Frank allows the reader to do. There are many different cultures around the world and many cultures within cultures. Looking specifically at Germany in the time period of the 1940’s, the reader can see that there in fact is a culture within in a culture. The great thing about this piece of literature is that it is the actual person in the culture writing what is going on during that time frame. The Diary of Anne Frank lets the reader dive into a part of history that the culture was different from any other and experience what it was like to be a Jew in the 1940’s in Western Europe. It is sort of ironic how during that time period there were people living in peace and people living in turmoil. This diary only tells about her experience while she is hiding out, but it also gives reference to what is going on outside her family’s hide out. So from that point of view the reader can get the view of what the culture was like while Jewish people were hiding out and what is was like to be taken away and put in a concentration camp. Living in peace may mean how the German people are living because they do not have to face persecution from the government or it could mean how the Jewish that are living in hideouts are at peace because they have not been sent to a concentration camp yet. On the other hand living in turmoil can mean that the Jewish people are living fear of being caught and taken to a concentration camp and that the people that are already in the camps are already in turmoil. When it is said that someone is living in fear means that they are fearful because something may happen to them. In this case it is the fact that they could be taken away from their families if they are caught in hiding. In Anne Frank’s case, she is afraid because she wants to be an actress and those dreams may never come true. It is also the fear of not knowing. Being in suspense of not knowing what is going to happen is sometimes worse that what actually is going to happen. While Jewish people are living in hideouts there is no doubt they are living in fear. The reader can tell that in fact all of the residents with Anne Frank are living in fear because every time something happens they assume that it is the Green Police coming to get them. Living in the concentration camps is living in hope. Not knowing what is going on outside the fence of the camp is left up to the imagination of the person looking out it. Sometimes the only way to move on in life, especially living in a concentration camp, is to hope for something better. Just like when it comes to religion, people believe that there is a higher power. It gives them hope to move on to the next day because if there was no higher power to believe in and give a cause for living then in fact what would be the reason to live. The reader can see this evidence because the father of Anne Frank tells everyone that they do not have to live in fear anymore and they can live in hope that the war will end. It may be far fetched to say that freedom was still available to the Jewish people. But while hiding out there was still some freedom that they could enjoy. Meal time was something that everyone looked forward to during the day. Just being able to eat was such a moral booster. Even though it was just maybe a potato and bread, it still had an effect that gave them strength to move on to the next day. Life in the German concentration camps was equally unbearable. After arriving, the Jews found the camps weren’t much better than the railway’s cattle cars. Row after row of barrack-style houses stood in the center of these camps. Inside each barrack there was little more than beds, three or four high with little space between them and hardly any room in which to move. There was little food and water there too. Thousands in the camps died from starvation, disease, and exposure to the elements. Others were shot at the whim of the Nazis guards. Those Jews that worked had their lives spared but were fed only enough to keep them alive. No one knows for sure how many children were killed but it is estimated at between 1. 2 and 1. 5 million. The children that survived did so because they were hidden in homes, basements and convents or lived with Christian families who concealed their identities. By the end of the war six million Jews had been killed in one way or another inside and outside concentration camps across Europe. Never in human history had so many been killed because of who they were. Jews not immediately selected for extermination faced a living death in the concentration camp, which also included non-Jewish inmates, many of them opponents of the Nazi regime. The SS, who ran the camps, took sadistic pleasure in humiliating and brutalizing their helpless Jewish victims. They get up at 3 am. They have to dress quickly, and make the bed so that it looks like a matchbox. For the slightest irregularity in bed-making the punishment was 25 lashes, after which it was impossible to lie or sit for a whole month. Everyone had to leave the barracks immediately. Outside it is still dark or else the moon is shining. People are trembling because of lack of sleep and the cold. In order to warm up a bit, groups of ten to twenty people stand together, back to back so as to rub against each other. There was what was called a wash-room, where everyone in the camp was supposed to wash. There were only a few faucets and there were 4,500 people in that section. Of course there was neither soap nor towel or even a hand-kerchief, so that washing was theoretical rather than practical. In one day, a person there came a lowly person indeed. They used to get half a liter of black, bitter coffee. That was all they got for what was called breakfast. At 6 a. m. a headcount and they all had to stand at attention, in fives, according to the barracks, of which there were 22 in each section. They stood there until the SS men had satisfied their game-playing instincts by humorous orders to take off and put on caps. Then they received their report, and counted us. After the headcount work started. They went in groups some to build railway tracks or a road, some to the quarries to carry stones or coal, some to take out manure, or for potato-digging. latrine-cleaning, barracks or sewer repairs. All this took place inside the camp enclosure. During work the SS men beat up the prisoners mercilessly, inhumanly and for no reason. They were like wild beasts and, having found their victim, ordered them to present their backside, and beat them with a stick or a whip, usually until the stick broke. The victims screamed only after the first blows, afterwards they fell unconscious and the SS men then kicked at the ribs, the face, at the most sensitive parts of a person’s body, and then, finally convinced that the victim was at the end of their strength, The SS would order another Jew to pour one pail of water after the other over the beaten person until they woke and got up. A favorite sport of the SS men was to make a boxing sack out of a Jew. This was done in the following way: Two Jews were stood up, one being forced to hold the other by the collar, and an SS man trained giving him a knock-out. Of course, after the first blow, the poor victim was likely to fall, and this was prevented by the other Jew holding him up. After the fact, Hitlerite murderer had trained in this way for 15 minutes, and only after the poor victim was completely shattered, covered in blood, his teeth knocked out, his nose broken, his eyes hit, and they released him and ordered a doctor to treat his wounds. That was their way of taking care and being generous. Another customary SS habit was to kick a Jew with a heavy boot. The Jew was forced to stand to attention, and all the while the SS man kicked him until he broke some bones. People who stood near enough to such a victim often heard the breaking of the bones. The pain was so terrible that people, having undergone that treatment, died in agony. Apart from the SS men there were other expert hangmen. These were the so-called Capos. The name was an abbreviation for barracks police. The Capos were German criminals who were also camp inmates. However, although they belonged to us, they were privileged. They had a special, better barracks of their own; they had better food, better, almost normal clothes. They wore special red or green riding pants, high leather boots, and fulfilled the functions of camp guards. They were worse even than the SS men. In each section stood a gallows, for being late for the head count, or similar crimes, the camp elder hanged the offenders. Work was actually unproductive, and its purpose was exhaustion and torture. At twelve noon there was a break for a meal. Standing in line, we received half a liter of soup each. Usually it was cabbage soup, or some other watery liquid, with-out fats, tasteless. That was lunch. It was eaten in all weather under the open sky, never in the barracks. No spoons were allowed, though wooden spoons lay on each bunk probably for show, for Red Cross committees. One had to drink the soup out of the bowl and lick it like a dog. From 1 p. m. till 6 p. m. there was work again. I must emphasize that if we were lucky we got a 12 oclock meal. There were days of punishment when lunch was given together with the evening meal, and it was cold and sour, so that our stomach was empty for a whole day. Afternoon work was the same: blows, and blows again. Until 6 p.m. At six there was the evening headcount. Again we were forced to stand at attention. Counting, receiving the report. Usually we were left standing at attention for an hour or two, while some prisoners were called up for punishment parade-they were those who in the Germans eyes had transgressed in some way during the day, or had not been punctilious in their performance. They were stripped naked publicly, laid out on specially constructed benches, and whipped with twenty-five or fifty lashes. The brutal beating and the heart-rending cries all this the prisoners had to watch and hear. In conclusion, the reader can see that life, even though hard, was easier in the hideouts than it was in the concentration camps. Even if everything was still the same except the physical abuse then life would still be easier in the concentration camp. The Diary of Anne Frank gives us great insight to life while hiding out. Unfortunately she was unable to give us an account for the camps because she eventually died before the camps were liberated. But the saying, to understand the present a person must know and understand the past, is really true in these events. Hopefully for some culture history will not repeat itself.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Search for the Meaning of Existence :: Philosophy Essays

The Search for the Meaning of Existence Daffodil bulbs instead of balls Stared from the sockets of the eyes! from Whispers of Immortality We live and then we die. Its scary, the death part, and the living part is quite amazing. There is a great dichotomy surrounding our existence. One minute we are here, another we are gone. What is existence? What is the purpose of existence? The big metaphysical question has my interest. We grasp to understand it all but it evades us. This magnificent universe has not answered our questions. Some people believe that our existence is a divine destiny, a creation of God, or of some purposive energy. Others say that the greatest meaning of life is to share love. These people believe that life has meaning! Actually has it! I grew up thinking that both of these meanings of life were true. There was a universal energy of good, always able to overcome bad, and love was the greatest value of all. I believed that my life would have meaning if I contributed to the good and loving energy in the world. Will my life have more meaning if I am a good loving person than an uninterested loner person? Will my life be more valuable to the universe? Everyone would like to have meaning in their life, even those of us who are becoming cynical to meaning as an absolute. We all would be more comfortable if we knew of some transcendent value to our existence that surpasses life itself, into death. We do not know of this transcendence though. Society in the 21st century is on shaky foundations. We have tossed religious proclamations out the window and embraced science as the ultimate authority. Problem is, science is not providing metaphysical answers so we are out there in space floating around aimlessly Currently, through the last decade or so, after seeing the substantial depth of scientific observations supporting Darwinian evolution, I begin to see another possible "meaning of meaning", and hence, a new meaning of life. Beware Darwin's dangerous idea! I now see meaning, as an emergent process of evolved human consciousness that functions as an environment analyst. I see both meaning and consciousness as aftereffects of physical processes in the brain and nervous system. Sounds pretty drab and desolate, huh? Or exciting, depending on who you are, where you are, and what time it is.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Monkeys Paw :: essays research papers

The Monkey's Paw By (author) W.W.Jacobs   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The mystery of the Monkey's Paw is a cleverly thought out short story. This story had three main parts. These parts were the first wish, the second wish, and the third wish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first wish was the only tragic wish that was granted. Mr.White, his son Herbert, and an old man were sitting around playing chess. There was a knock at the door and Mr. White answered it to let the man in. His name was Sergeant-Major Morris. He sat down in the seat nearest the fire, and after several glasses of whiskey he began to talk. He talked about some of his war experiences, and then of India.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His last story was about a magical mummified monkey's paw. The sergeant-major tells the family that the old dried out monkey's paw has a spell put on it by an old fakir. The story continues and then Mr.White and the sergeant-major trade. Later Mr. White wishes for 200 pounds. A man comes and visits the Whites telling them that their son Herbert had been killed, and then he gibes them 200 pounds. The consequence of Mr. Whites first wish is the main reason he uses a second and third wish.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mr. White did not want to use a second wish but his wife insisted that they wish their son back to life. Mr. White wishes his son back to life, but nothing happens so they go to sleep. They are sleeping when they hear a knocking sound at their front door. Mrs. White goes downstairs to answer the door even though Mr. White told her not to answer the door. Mrs. White approached the door while Mr. White looked for the monkey's paw.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At the very moment Mr. White unlocked the door Mr. White found the monkey's paw and made his third and final wish. Just as he made his wish the knocking stopped, and his wife opened the door. What was the last wish? The author never really says, but one can assume that he wished he had never made

Friday, October 11, 2019

Repression of War Experience

Personification in Siegfried Sassoon’s â€Å"Repression of War Experience† After wartime, soldiers can suffer from not only physical injuries, but from psychological damage as well. They become victims of PTSD, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, which, according to Medicinenet. com, is â€Å"an emotional illness that develops as a result of a terribly frightening, life-threatening, or otherwise highly unsafe experience. † Considering the horrors that these soldiers are witnesses to, it is no wonder that PTSD can overcome them.In Siegfried Sassoon's poem, â€Å"Repression of War Experience,† Sassoon uses personification to emphasize the psychological damage sustained by soldiers after war. In the first two lines of the poem, Sassoon starts off by painting a rather dismal picture. He begins lighting candles and pauses to watch a moth, which he then describes to the reader. He finds it ridiculous that it flies toward the candle even though it's headed right f or the flame and will end up dying. He expresses this thought by commenting on, â€Å"What silly beggars they are to blunder in, /And scorch their wings with glory, liquid flame† (lines 2-3).Of course, moths are not beggars; they are not poor citizens, but Sassoon uses personification to further develop the moth's behavior. These lines imply that moths beg for their deaths by flying toward the flame of the candle, just as soldiers beg for their deaths by signing up to fight. Moths are drawn to the flame of a candle because of the light, but do not realize that they are headed towards their death. Perhaps soldiers are attracted to war in the same way–they are tempted by the false promise of glory and honor for their country–but unknowingly march toward their own deaths as well.Sassoon links both moth and man by making such comparisons, and suggesting that both end up embracing death. Further along in the poem, and this is a very short part of the poem, indeed, Sa ssoon comments on the rain and asks, â€Å"Why won't it rain? † (line 12). Without warning as to why he does so, Sassoon changes topic and says, â€Å"Books; what a jolly company they are, /Standing so quiet and patient on their shelves† (lines 16-17). One can guess as to why he suddenly goes off about books–he cannot bear any reminders of war, and desperately tries to keep his mind occupied with the things he sees around him.The mentioning of books being a â€Å"jolly company† indicates that Sassoon is alone and perhaps has just a few objects with him in his room. It is strange to address books as though they are people or companions, as if they can carry a conversation. Sassoon then develops this unusual view further by commenting on how the books are â€Å"Dressed in dim brown, and black, and white, and green† (line 18). Perhaps this is another accidental reference to war because it hints at the soldier's camouflage-colored uniforms of green and â€Å"dim brown† but one cannot be sure.In regard to the books â€Å"standing so quiet and patient†; it is true that books can stand on their own, perhaps on a shelf or a desk, but how can they be patient? Books cannot feel anything, nor can they have opinions. This personification suggests that Sassoon's mind is slowly moving away from clear thought and logic, and that war has negatively affected his mental state. Sassoon continues comparing normal everyday sights to living things. He writes that â€Å"in the breathless air outside the house, /The garden waits for something that delays† (lines 26-27). The comment of the â€Å"breathless air† is again, strange.Air cannot be breathless because it does not breathe. Only people and animals breathe air, and without it, they will die within minutes. However, during a war, poison gas is often released into the sky, making it impossible for soldiers to breathe properly. Such attacks were especially common in Wo rld War I, which Sassoon fought in from 1914 to the end of the war in 1918. His line was most likely a reference to the poison-filled air in which no one could breathe. In the last few lines of the poem, Sassoon has failed to completely ignore thoughts of war thus far, for he says that â€Å"You'd never think there was a bloody war going on! (line 34). He abandons all attempts to repress his memories and continues his monologue about â€Å"Those whispering guns–† (line 37). Obviously, guns cannot speak, and strangely, Sassoon writes that they â€Å"whisper† rather than yell or scream.The latter would be more sensible, considering that there are no quiet gun attacks. However, the description of the hushed weapons suggests (even further) that Sassoon is haunted by his memories, perhaps every night, and can never fully forget them. He himself seems to â€Å"lose control of ugly thoughts† (mentioned in line 7, in which Sassoon pities those oldiers who cannot repress their memories) and again, seems unable to distract himself with what he sees around him, as he had done throughout the entire poem until this point. He makes the exclamation of â€Å"O Christ, I want to go out, /And screech at them to stop† (lines 37-38). At this point, Sassoon has indeed lost control of himself and wants to scream at the guns to stop firing. Guns do not fire by themselves, nor can they fight a war without soldiers pointing the guns–Sassoon would have to screech at the soldiers to stop fighting–but this personification of the weapons further emphasize the psychological damage from which he suffers.Personification is a major literary element in â€Å"Repression of War Experience,† and it lets the reader understand just how psychologically wounded Sassoon has become. His comparisons range from moths to books to guns, and he jumps from subject to subject in order to show Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. His various personified objec ts are scattered throughout the poem, and they allow the reader to truly understand how he has suffered from his experience at war.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Graphic communication Essay

Sch 31: Promote communication in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.2 Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication plays a massive part once building a relationship in the work setting. By regularly keeping effective communication between practioners, parents/careers and children makes a positive working environment. The relationships are mostly based on the type of communication between one another, communication is not just by verbally but also the body language we show, facial expressions and our gestures. Communication with children and young people is very important. When a child is new to the setting you would want them to feel comfortable and safe in your company away from parents/ careers. As of when the children and young people does feel positively about the new environment around then helps the parent/career of that child to feel relaxed and comfortable to hand over their child into your care knowing they will have an enjoyable experience. The main way to build positive communication with the child/ young person is through play, as you talk with them during activities the child would become more relaxed as you ask questions about their games and actions, by showing interest into the child’s/ young persons holistic development will then build a positive relationship with that child/ young person. By showing positive body language in the setting, shows an invitation to the child/ young person that you’re there to play games, do activities and be there to have a conversation. Lowering down to the child’s/ young person’s level which will then put you into the position to engage in eye contact, this will make the child/ young person feel like you are more approachable to communicate with for example; ask you questions. When verbally communicating between you and the child the tone of your voice is very important, the child will pick up on the way you say things more than what you said as this will tell them if you’re being positive towards them; talking with them, or either being direct; talking to them. Not only do you talk to them but also the child will response, or even approach you first to communicate; either for a general conversation or to ask a question. All children are different, either it is by the way they’re brought up, their culture, have different beliefs, and in the way they communicate for example; English is an additional language. If you had a child in the nursery who had English as a second language, and knew few words, verbally communicating with this child wouldn’t be the first thing you would do. There are loads of different ways to do this for example; using picture cars with words, not only will this technique help communicate but also help build the childs English vocabulary. Another being demonstrating, for example; in an activity, lets say gluing and sticking, show the child what to do by demonstrating the activity for them to then copy your actions. Communication is very important, not only with the child/ young person but also their parents/ careers. Parents and careers need to be kept updated with everything that happens with their child/children and information that they need to know about the nursery itself. The stronger the relationship between the practioners and the parent/ career the stronger the trust the parents/ careers have with their child/ children in your care. Information should be shared on a day to day basis between the practioner and the parent/ career abpout everything that happens in the nursery. This information can be shared in different ways depending on the confidentiality. Information for all parents to know who have children at the nursery should be notices such as for example; new children joining the group, allergies that children have prompting the parent/ career about the foods the child should be allowed to take into the nursery, changes to day plans (hours, activities, trips). This sort of information can be transferred by sending out a newsletter to the parents/ careers individually when they drop off of pick up their child/ children, a notice board inside/ outside of the nursery for everyone to read, emailing or texting to the parents/ careers as this could be an easier way for them. On the other hand information more confidential about an individual should just be kept between that parent/career of the child/ children and the practioner who is giving the information. This information can be transferred by a letter, email and a text but in my opinion this sort of nonverbal communication just doesn’t seem formal or appropriate. Information like this should either be told over a phonecall or even face to face at the beginning or end of the school day; Taking the parent / career aside to have a conversation in a private room away from other parents and practioners. The information given would be topics such as, the child’s behaviour; if they are being disruptive, not listening to the staff harming other children, or even if the child seems upset and won’t join in on different activities and games set. Sometimes communicating can’t always be as easy as having a conversation or written communication for example; a child’s information profile. A parent/ career can be harder to approach in different situations for example; the parent/ career has English as an additional language and knows some English but not enough to have a general conversation about the child, in this situation more verbal communication would be easier to approach than written communication. Also a parent/ career with dyslexia, verbal communication is easier to approach, especially when information is need on the childs profile for in the nursery, so in this scenario, the parent or career would have to verbally share this information with the practioner for them to record this information. As long as the parent/ career is knowledgeable of what is happening with their child and the nursery they will feel comfortable and trusting with their child in the care of the nursery. Keeping communication strong between yourself and work colleagues is very important as the information you share between one another is what will keep the nursery running where as if this communication was at a poor standard then no information will get told to everyone, people including staff, the parents/ careers and children. The sort of communication that would be between colleagues mostly on a day to day basis would be verbally, when in the work setting, such things being for example; about activities and games, day plans, child absences, food times and parents drop off and pick up times. Also this all doesn’t need to be verbally if it’s the same information to be transferred to each member of staff every day, there could be for example a chart e.g; in the baby room a chart been posted up on each child’s different feeding and sleeping patterns. Building a strong relationship with colleagues would make life in your setting more comfortable, easier to work with one another and just better to talk to each other. Also by having a stable relationship communicating with each other will keep all of the staff up to date with everything happening. Communicating with colleague to colleague is a different to which you would talk to a child or a parent/ career. Speaking to a colleague would be less formal than anyone else as in the work setting you would build a strong friendship as well as just a work relationship. On the other hand when speaking to a profession outside of the nursery such as a special educational needs coordinator you would communicate in a more formal way and confidentially would be strict. Of a profession like this you would communicate verbally face to face with them, or by even email, sharing the sort of information about a child they’re there to study. The different professions would need trust in you and the rest of the staff to make sure this child/ children don’t feel left out because they’re different and that you respect and look out for them. In conclusion, when working in a nursery setting you are to be prepared to strongly communicate with everyone involved in your work to build that trust and respect. Not only verbally and just speaking but also thinking about how to speak and how to show your body language and facial expressions.

Compare the techniques that Heckerling and Austen use to alert us to how we should view Cher and Emma

Using the opening scenes of Clueless and the opening chapters of Emma, compare the techniques that Heckerling and Austen use to alert us to how we should view Cher and Emma. Both texts use various techniques to present the two heroines, Emma and Cher. Emma is presented to the responder as an omniscient text, presenting the responder with all the character's opinions as well as Austin's opinion, particularly concerning the social hierarchy of the era. We are first presented with Austin's perspective in the opening chapter of the book, when Emma is described as â€Å"handsome, clever, and rich with a comfortable home and happy disposition†. As well as this submissive description the responder is also shown Emma's faults as â€Å"having rather too much her own way, and a disposition to think a little too well of herself†. As a result of the text being presented majoritivly through third person creating an objective status, the responder is shown that Emma has selfish tendencies despite all her good intentions. This is demonstrated to the responder as the wedding of a friend, with whom Emma shared â€Å"the intimacy of sisters†, is described in the text as â€Å"a gentle sorrow†. Despite the happiness of Emma's dearest friend, Miss. Taylor (now Mrs. Weston), Emma thinks only of herself and the unhappiness and emptiness that will be felt as a result of Miss Taylor's absence in the Woodhouse's home. The first paragraph sets the tone for the novel as the responder is forewarned of Emma having a crisis during the text, this is effectively projected by the inclusion of the word â€Å"seemed†. This shows the responder that Emma's ‘perfect' existence will be challenged throughout the novel, as her match making schemes fail with ominous (doomed) consequences. The description of Highbury shows the social status of Emma and her Father, â€Å"The Woodhouse's were first in consequence there. All looked up to them. † The description of Emma is juxtaposed by the description of Mr. Knightley, â€Å"a sensible man about seven or eight-and-thirty†¦ a very old and intimate friend of the family†. This shows the composer's intent to portray Emma as naive, young and self-orientated, as the two descriptions vary greatly as Mr. Knightley is portrayed as wise and â€Å"sensible†. The responder is further shown the father like figure of Mr. Knightley's character when Austen tells that â€Å"Mr. Knightley, in fact, was one of the few people who could see faults in Emma Woodhouse, and the only one who ever told her of them†. The presence of Mr. Knightley in the first chapter and the inclusion of his disagreement with Emma over her involvement in the match of Miss Taylor and Mr. Weston, depicts to the responder Emma's egocentric tendencies. The fact that Mr. Knightley, the wise and older character, implies that Emma merely â€Å"made a lucky guess†¦ likely to have done harm to yourself, than good to them, by interference†, influences the reader to view Emma as meddlesome and narcissistic (self-absorbed). Clueless is presented to the responder through a different medium, thus the composer, Amy Heckerling uses different techniques to portray the heroine, Cher. The main contrast between the opening chapters of Emma and the opening scenes of Clueless is the way in which the text is presented. Cher informs the responder as the main protagonist and narrator of the text. This allows the responder to empathise and affiliate a personal attachment with her, as they see only her perspective throughout the entire text.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Contextual analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Contextual analysis - Essay Example The sound of water saturates the entire film as well as its soundtrack. Incidentally, the delicate sound of bath water that softly drips from a visibly long, wet hair could only be comparable to the waterfalls at Niagara (Gopnik 2). The story winds in and out in a manner likened to the temporal Mobius strip. The film is generally about two women. One woman is relative young and eager whereas the other one is older and reserved. The two women are ostensibly going about their day-to-day routine and activities. Incidentally, the visitor is pondering just in case the two women are really one. Thesis Statement: While the artist has effectively used the audio-video platform to underscore the lives and attributes of two women characters that are at different stages of their lives, I believe that the representation of water is satisfactory evidence to prove that the two women are the same though portrayed in different parts or stages of their lives. The artist has effectively intertwined the lives and daily routines of the two women in a way that suggests their past successfully shaped their present. In the same way, the experience alongside currents of time shaped their past. In essence, remembering is evidently a creative way since it is obviously difficult to recall that past completely (Connors 4). Apart from the theme of water, Tan’s film also reflects the aspects of isolation, dislocation and loss. The double projection employed by the artist display the older woman reminiscing about her youthful life. The film moves back and forth in attempt to show life in the past and present. Commissioned by Vancouver Art gallery, the film simultaneously displays the video recording of flowing water (Connors 4). The flow of water apparently dominates the film and soundtrack thereby giving an impression of the memory flow and time. It is imperative to emphasize that the two women are at different stages of their lives. Figure 1 Figure 2 While the younger woman is still eager and ambitious to accomplish many of her dreams in life, the older one could only recollect the good moments and difficulties of her young life. Life to the young woman is vast with opportunities and aspirations bother in the short term and long term (Piturro 10). The piece demonstrates the kinds of historical, social, cultural relationships that human beings carry within themselves as they progress in life from childhood to adulthood and finally old age. The older woman is reticent, a sign that she perhaps feel content with the various achievements she has made in life. She credibly thinks it is time to reflect on the successes and disappointments of life because the strength and vigor is long gone (Piturro 10). In contrast, the young woman has numerous ambitions she intends to achieve in the near future. Furthermore, she evidently has the power, strength, vigor and determination to realize her dreams. The movie Rise and Fall examines the retrospective gaze along with its rela tionship to several images that people carry that are reflective of their social, cultural and historical dynamism. It is clearly intricate to tell whether the two women in fact represent a single woman at different points in life (Connors 4). What is very logical in the video is that their ages are contrasting. However, Tan lets the viewers acquire adequate account of their daily rituals. For

Monday, October 7, 2019

Micro Economics in the Real World Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Micro Economics in the Real World - Term Paper Example The unrestricted mobility of resources and factors of production has made the unbalanced economic performance worse as the developed countries control and regulate economic activities of the lower tier economies at their benefits (Kunz, 56). As reported by the World Bank, the economic performance of India and Germany significantly vary. This can be measured by focusing on GDP, inflation, rate of employment and poverty index. HOW THE GPD OF INDIA COMPARE TO THAT OF GERMANY Being the largest economy in Europe, Germany benefits from a pool of technically gifted labour force, hence her dominance in chemical and machinery industry. GDP which is the key determinant of growth and development is defined as the â€Å"the total market value of all goods and services produced in a country during a given year† The GDP of Germany has been positive over a couple of decades. However, following the 2008-2010 global financial contagion, the steady gross domestic production of Germany significa ntly declined. In the first quarter of 2012, the GDP of Germany increased by 0.5%, while in the second quarter, it increased by 0.3%. Over the same period, government and household expenditure and exports increased. On the contrary, fixed investments reported a decline in real value. Private investment and consumption fell following the Euro financial crisis. Amid the global financial and economic crisis, in 2009 Germany posted purchasing power parity (PPP) of $2.182 trillion (Oecd Economic Surveys: Germany, 23). Even during the recession, Germany’s economy recorded positive returns with its GDP ranking sixth globally. 2009 reported the worst economic performance for Germany after posting a GDP of -5%. The economic growth rate and development (2007-2009) are as graphically represented above. Over the same period (2007-2011), India’s economy posted a positive return with a 5.5% GDP in 2011 and 4.1% in 2007. A report by the KPMG’s executive in India stated,  "Whether it (GDP growth) is 5-5.5 per cent or 7-8 per cent, the most important part is that the country is still growing. If you look at the rest of the world...India is still growing at 5-5.5 per cent, it’s a slower growth but it’s a growth† (Kajal, and Moore, 67) In the first quarter of 2012, the performance of the Indian economy slipped because of decline in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing sectors. This performance was much better than that of the world’s largest economy, United States which posted an economic growth of approximately 1.5% in the gross domestic production (Oecd Economic Surveys: Germany, 87). Measured in purchasing power parity (PPP), the GDP of India was US $2.996 trillion during the 2008 financial period. In official exchange rates, this represented $1.099 trillion. The real economic growth rate for 2008-2009 was approximated to be 9%. INFLATION RATE IN GERMANY AND INDIA Inflation is the persistent rise in the general price level of goods and services in economy measured as a proportion of the base period records. Inflation is measured using the consumer price index (CPI), which is the critical indicator of inflation. It therefore represents the changes in retail prices of commodities for a specific consumer basket. It is the measure of the purchasing power of the local

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Unemployment in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Unemployment in the United States - Essay Example The rapid rise in population that outstrips the available resources has been blamed for the unemployment issue in the United States. The government is trying to curb the unemployment through expansion of the economy and creation of more jobs. The problem of unemployment seems to intensify mainly due to the rise in population particularly in urban areas. The expansion of businesses and the direct investment by the government in the entrepreneurship programs tends to do little to eradicate the issue of unemployment. Unemployment tends to magnify during the times of recession or depression characterized by a shrink in the economy. Unemployment remains a tough issue affecting the United States, particularly among the young people. There is a large number of learned people in the United States but they hardly secure a job due to the scarcity of employment opportunities. According to the BLS household survey (2015), “the US unemployment rate rose by 0.2 percentage points in June 2015 to 5.3%. Unemployment has remained relatively high since 2009 and this is causing a huge setback to economic growth in the country. Companies have been adopting technology thus doing away with the relatively costly human labor. The rise of technology like completers has replaced human labor thus laying off the workers (Harvey 15). The issue of unemployment will continue to inflict the United States’ economy due to the uncontrolled adoption of technology.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Principles of Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Principles of Finance - Essay Example The company should be more interested in incremental cash flows in comparison to the total cash flows because incremental cash flows would reflect the increase in the cash flows from the project whereas the company could still be showing positive total profits even if the project is having a loss. Therefore it is more important to use the incremental cash flows as by using this method, the company would be able to analyze the marginal benefits that the project would give to the company and if the incremental cash flows are positive then the project should be accepted. The company should not use the incremental profits because it would also reflect the increase in the accounting profits from the project rather than showing the cash flows. Also the total profits or incremental cash flows should not be used to take capital budgeting decision because a firm can still be in positive total profits or positive incremental profits even if it is suffering from negative cash flows. Therefore, using the incremental cash flows would be the best technique for the firm. ... As depreciation is an expense, and therefore the higher the value of the depreciation expense, the lower would be the accounting profits of the company and therefore the lower amount of tax the company has to pay therefore depreciation would influence the cash flows in this manner. Part C: Sunk Costs and its Affect On Cash Flows When capital budgeting techniques are used to evaluate the feasibility of the project, sunk costs are ignored. The main focus in on the incremental cash flows particularly the incremental cash flows after deduction of taxes as they mainly reflect the cash flows at the end the company would receive. No matter what the decision has been made on the acceptance or rejection of the project, the sunk costs would still occur (Khan, 1993) and this would mean that sunk costs are not to be considered as incremental cash flows. Therefore incorporating the sunk cost in the capital budgeting technique would be irrelevant. Part D: Initial Project Outlay Initial project out lay is the amount of investment that would be required for the project. The initial outlay for this would be: Initial Project Outlay = All costs related to the Plant and equipment including shipping and installation costs + increment in the working capital because of the project Here, the installation and shipping cost is $100,000 Plant and equipment cost is $7,900,000 Increment in working capital is $100,000 So, Initial Project Outlay = $8,100,000 Part E: Differential Cash Flows Over The Project's Life Operating Cash Flow: Â  1 Â  2 Â  3 Â  4 Â  5 Revenue 21,000,000 36,000,000 42000000 24000000 15600000 Variable Cost 12600000 21600000 25200000 14400000 10800000 Â   8,400,000 14,400,000 16,800,000 9,600,000 4,800,000 Depreciation expense $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000

Friday, October 4, 2019

Respond to question 2 on attach instructions Essay

Respond to question 2 on attach instructions - Essay Example A problem is a major social feature that affects the society thereby implying that everyone would have a definition of the problem. People define a social problem based on its effects. After explaining the problem as it manifests itself in the society, the next stage in the definition process is determining the causes of the problem. This requires the consideration of the current features of the problems (Stone, 2011). While the history of a problem may provide vital information on both its effects and causes, the stage dictates that one concentrates on the current features of the problem since its manifestation is a result of prevailing lapses in the social structure. By investigating the current features of the problems, it becomes possible to determine the lapses that perpetuate the prevalence of the problem. Such factors may fuel the problem thereby spiraling its effects to a vast margin. Additionally, while investigating the features of the problems, it becomes prudent to avoid the troubles the problem may cause. A problem is likely to have ripple effects, which in most cases constitute trouble. While investigating the problem especially at a preliminary stage, Stone explains that concentrating on the troubles arising from the problem is likely to compound the issue. Such a social problem as increase in crime rate in a society may have myriad effects in the society including the rise of vigilante activities in the society. When defining such, Stone postulates that the investigator must major on the on the present features of the problem such as the regions with the highest cases and the manifestation of the problem in the society (Kingdon, 2010). This way, it becomes possible for the investigator to manage the investigation and keep them to the vital features of the problems. After achieving an objective understanding of the problem, the next process is to brainstorm some of the common causes to the problem.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

United States Declaration of Independence Essay Example for Free

United States Declaration of Independence Essay Declaring Our Independence The Declaration of Independence was approved by Congress on July 4th, 1776. It was written by Thomas Jefferson and published by John Dunlap. After it was written it was sent to General George Washington to be read to his troops in New York who were getting ready to fight off the British army (Library of Congress).The Declaration of Independence has been around for almost two hundred and fifty years, many things have changed in this country in that amount of time. Does the Declaration still hold the same values as it did back then, or has it evolved over time to have a different meaning? What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence and why is it still looked upon so highly today? Was there more to the Declaration of Independence then just getting free from Britain or did it also lead the way to create America? All of these questions will be answered in the following paragraphs to have a better understanding of really how important one piece of paper can be to a nation. A good way to start to understand what the Declaration means is by looking at the first few lines. â€Å"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve them with another to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separation (US 1776).† This part of the Declaration of Independence is talking about how Britain became such a pain to the colonies with all of their taxes and their rules that the decision it was in their best interest to leave from the rule of Britain and form a new nation. Not only was this addressing those who called themselves Americans but all of mankind. They did this so that they could have more people able to assist them in the fighting of Britain (Library of Congress). Britain was deeply in debt. Mercantilism was orthodoxy, and as such, the thought was that the colonies should contribute more to the common security of the realm (Halvorson). Another thing that Britain did to make the colonial settlers upset was that British soldiers were allowed to stay in any of the houses in the 13 colonies with little or no reason to why. It made Britain look very evil in the eyes of these settlers and the first paragraph of the Declaration reinforces this idea. The second Paragraph of the Declaration of Independence might possibly have the single most important phrase in all of the united states. The first sentence contains the phrase â€Å"all men are created equal.† Now in 1776 this phrase was probably taken more literally meaning that all men would have rights and Jefferson wanted to exclude men and women. However, some argue that all men are talking about all of humanity. Numerous times thought out history important figures such Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King and Elizabeth Cady Stanton have referenced the Declaration of Independence when try to obtain equality for Women and African Americans. In 1857 Lincoln had mentioned that the assertion â€Å"all men are created equal† was of no practical use for separate from Great Britain and was placed in the Declaration for future use (Armitage 44). As well in the 19th century, the Declaration of sentiments played a key role in the women rights movement and almost mirrored the Declaration of Independence (Halvorson). Without those five small, but powerful words the United States would be a much different place then it is today. The meaning of the phrase has changed over time allowing even more than just men being equal. Today the United States of America tries to make everyone equal even if at times it might now seem that way. It didn’t have anything to do with trying to leave Britain, Jefferson put that phrase in there for the future of this country. The Declaration of Independence gave some insight on the Idea of Popular Sovereignty. Popular sovereignty is the doctrine that sovereign power is vested in the people and that those chosen to govern, as trustees of such power, must exercise it in conformity with the general will. Basically, it means that the people can come up with the government and make it, however, the people want it to be. The Declaration gives the power to the people and not to the system that is governing them. â€Å"Governments are instituted among Men deriving their powers from the consent of the governed†(US 1776) Without this we might have formed a new government in the United States but it could have very well ended up as a monarchy. Popular sovereignty is key to making a peoples government and the Deceleration of Independence clearly reinforces this. The Deceleration of Independence also informs the public of the Social Contract. The Social Contract is the agreement among individuals by which society becomes organized and invested with the right to secure mutual protection and welfare. Both the government and the citizens are part of this social contract. The people be a part of the decisions and if they disagree with the government then they can just change it. â€Å" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends it is the Right of the people to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government†(US 1776). It seems in this day and age that people are afraid to stand up to the government and fight for what they believe in. Currently, many congressmen and congresswomen are being bought out to vote in certain ways over the topic of Net neutrality. It would be the peoples job to step up and talk with their representatives and show them what they are interested in and not let corporation buy out th eir representatives. The term natural and Induvial Rights also comes up in the Declaration of Independence. These are rights that all people should have. These rights include life liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They share the values of freedom equality and justice. No one should be able to take these rights from people, and it is up to the government to make sure that the people’s rights are protected. Without the government to protect the rights of the people things would start to fall apart for society. â€Å"endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness†(US 1776). These are what are also known as the Universal truths and over the course of the next two decades, America would try to help other countries around the worlds come to have similar Universal truths as to what is stated in the Declaration of Independence. Not only was the Declaration important in assisting the start of this nation and help to fight for freedom of Brittan’s monarchy, it is also used today to influences modern American political culture. One way it has influenced political culture is it has caused us many reasons why America chooses to go to war with countries who might seem like the people are being oppressed in some way by the government. America looks on to the Declaration as a sort of moral compass when it comes to deciding whether or not it is right to go into other countries and try to abolish any oppression that is going on. As a continuing inspiration in the United States and throughout the world to end oppression and to make sure that all groups of people enjoy a self-government and representation of both their collective interests and their personal freedom (Pencak 234). Today more than ever you will see this power abused by people in America to try to gain more than just helping an oppressed people. If you look at wars today that the United States are involved in some of them are masked by the idea that these groups of people are not free and do not have access to the natural rights that the Declaration of Independence refers too. Instead, you have people who are fighting over others natural resources and land first and the rights of the people come second or don’t even come at all. The same ideologies that this country was built on are now being using selfishly into a power grab for land and money from other countries. The Declaration\s aspirational vision has had a remarkable influence on American notions of liberal equality, even in the days when only white males could formally participate in politics (Tsesis 698). It has also been referenced a lot in current social movements today. Groups such as Black Lives Matter and Arab spring and Tiananmen Square openly and repeatedly invoke in the Language and the ideals of the document (Halvorson). This shows how the Declaration can be used as a voice for the minority groups in America to help end the oppression that they might be facing. In conclusion, the Declaration of Independence is a lot more than some old piece of paper written by a bunch of old white guys. It is more than that, it is many things. It was a letter to the British telling them that they don’t wish to be a part of their empire anymore. It was a way to bring hope to the oppressed and way to make sure that one day everyone in the nation and even on the earth was treated equally. Over time it has been used for good by the majority of people and some have even used it to justify bad doings. Overall the Declaration was important in the forming of America and is important for what the country should form into of the course of time. It was tough for the founding fathers to frame what society would look like in the next couple of decades but they did a great job in laying the bricks for the path they wanted the country to become. Without the Declaration of Independence America could still be under the rule of the British. Women would not have as man y rights as they do now, slavery could very well be a thing in this country without this document. The world would be a much different place then what it is today. It is nowhere near perfect but it is the Declaration of Independence that pushed everyone in the world a little bit closer in the right direction towards freedom. Work Cited Armitage, David. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence and International Law.† Foundations of Modern International Thought, Jan. 2002, pp. 191–214., doi:10.1017/cbo9781139032940.017. Halvorson, Seth D. â€Å"Historical Context for the Declaration of Independence.† Columbia College, Pencak, William. â€Å"The Declaration of Independence: Changing Interpretations and a New Hypothesis.† Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies, vol. 57, no. 3, 1 July 1990, pp. 225–235. JSTOR, â€Å"Creating the United States Creating the Declaration of Independence.† All Men Are Created Equal Creating the Declaration of Independence Creating the United States | Exhibitions Library of Congress, â€Å"Creating the United States Creating the Declaration of Independence.† Index of Documents for All Men Are Created Equal Creating the Declaration of Independence Creating the United States | Exhibitions Library of Congress, The Declaration of Independence: Full Text.†, Independence Hall Association, Tsesis, Alexander. â€Å"Self-Government and the Declaration of Independence†, 97 Cornell L. Rev. 693 (2012)